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Laser 4.7 - Entry List

Boat Name (Club)
176910 Apparatus (RSYS)
D'Arcy Kemp
185799 Nemesis (RPAYC)
Antony Hawke
Logan Cortis
191636 Zadok (NLSC)
Reece Johnston
193385 ? (RPAYC)
Jarrah Sheppard
196435 Speedy (RPAYC)
Nathan Bryant
197540 Lift (RSYS)
Alexander Rozenauers
197555 Lambordinghy (RCYT)
William Sargent
202767 Azure (RFBYC/FSC)
Alice Gallen
202787 Silver Bullet (RPAYC)
Jake Sweeney
202801 Schmick (CYC)
Tegan Hanrahan
202807 Toughen Up Princess (CYC)
Reagan Minchin
202852 Dream (RPAYC)
Charley Wells
202972 Wavelength (RSYS)
Henry Davison
205989 Believe it or Knot (SOPYC/RFBYC)
Isabelle Kenny
207452 La Luna (GBYC/FSC)
Hailey Johnson
20748 Cheesecake (GBYC)
Djarrah Audet
207834 On the Gas (RPAYC)
Cameron Whiteside
207845 Lithium (GSC)
Finn O'Dea
207853 Send It (WSC/RPAYC)
William McMillian
207865 Remarkable (CYC/WSC)
Mark Louis
208543 Legs (SLMASC/B16SC)
Paige Caldecoat
208807 Fast Forward (WSC)
Jack Littlechild
Boston Cortis
31 Fruit Salad (FSC/RFBYC)
Rome Featherstone
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