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29er - AUS All Fem Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2238 (RPAYC)
Natasha Bryant & Annie Wilmot
30 75.7
2 2064 (RFBYC/SOPYC)
Annabelle Davies & Hayley Clark
27 87.5
3 2196 (SBSC)
Jasmin Galbraith & Chloe Fisher
61 208
4 1994 (RFBYC)
Ella Giudice & Sophie Townes
90 282
5 1941 (RPAYC)
Ashlegh Coles & Juliet Costanzo
90 330
6 463 (MBSC/RFBYC)
Holly Hunt & Sarah Hales
70 365
7 1954 (PDSC/RFBYC)
Emilia Horn & Madison Woodward
66 366
8 1873 (WSC)
Grace Harrison & Ruby Harrison
90 485
9 1990 (SOPYC/DSC)
Isabelle Kenny & Catherine Pagett
90 555
<-- Back to list of divisions 29er

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