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420 - Girls Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 55158 Sista Blossom (BYC)
Laura Harding & Eleanor Grimshaw
18 40
2 55166 LOL (MYC)
Sophie Jackson & Ella Sharman
29 59
3 54575 Boaty McBoatface (MHYC)
Jessica Tavener & Claire Byrne
53 103
4 54191 Charmaine (RPAYC)
Chelsea Connor & Sarah Bartels
43 131
5 53663 Hydrotherapy (RFBYC,SOPYC,FSC)
Kaiella Taylor & Orla Mulholland-Patterson
47 138
Lucy Alderson & Sophie Townes
50 138
7 55150 It's a Twin Thing (Mornington)
Matilda Richardson & Lily Richardson
50 146
8 54151 Lightening Jack (FSC)
Hailey Johnson & Isabel Preston
57 166
9 56193 Gold Snafu (BSYC)
Chelsea Higgins & Bella Campion
60 191
10 54215 Hurricane (Mornington YC /RBYC)
Lucy Gray & Stephanie Lee
60 198
11 52714 Clueless (MHYC)
Kate Richardson & Emily Summerell
60 202
12 50101 Two Blind Mice (Black Rock Y.C.)
Alexandra McLennan & Elly Blasse
62 206
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