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NS14 - Jack & Jill Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2008 California Times (Connells Point SC)
Chris Eddes & Rebecca Wiley
10 14
2 2048 TR6 (Bay View YRA)
Mark Thorpe & Emma Rankin
24 16
3 2009 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Northbridge SC)
Alexander Chittenden & Sarah Warner
46 22
4 2006 Saltwater (Cronulla SC)
Scott Munro & Amanda Stern
27 24
5 1998 Dark Side of the Moon (Taree AC)
Robert Fish & Cassie Cause
19 32
6 1985 Nemesis (Gosford)
Shannon Corbett & Jessica Rivers
22 36
7 2007 Dark Horse (Port Hacking OSC)
Joshua Tasker & Jaime Tasker
24 37
8 1996 Shake & Bake (Bay View YRA)
Brian Jenkinson & Linda Jenkinson
13 38
9 2057 Captain Risky (Gosford)
Ross Hansen & Annika Hansen
46 39
10 1942 The Crack Fox (Teralba ASC)
Brad Clarke & Tahlia Clarke
15 39
11 1983 Samyr (Clarence River SC)
Steve Russell & Inge Koevoet
16 42
12 2034 Aqua Pest (Cronulla SC)
Drew Van Ryn & Sophie Holt
20 47
13 2020 Shameless (Teralba ASC)
Gary Bellamy & Anisah Jilani
28 56
14 2028 Sirocco (Port Hacking OSC)
Philip Trelora & Genelle Aldred
29 70
15 1911 Slingshot (Concord & Ryde SC)
Paul Gurr & Josephine O'Brien
27 83
16 1945 Big Bang Theory (Teralba ASC)
Guy Bellamy & Jessica Myers
28 90
17 1978 Smashing Pumpkins (Gosford)
Daniel Eddy & Mia Eddy
46 96
18 1916 Poor Tacking (Port Hacking OSC)
Colin Tasker & Kylie Tasker
39 122
19 1968 Loch NS (Port Hacking OSC)
Cody Linnegar & Tahlia Forrester
36 129
20 2053 Gone Bernarcus (Connells Point SC)
Katelyn Parker & Ed Markey
42 143
21 1966 Birdsnest (Port Hacking OSC)
James Birdsall & Sophie Cottam
40 145
22 1791 On a Razor's Edge (Concord & Ryde SC)
Barry Roy & Kristina Burwood
39 147
23 2010 Vertigo (Port Hacking OSC)
Scott Roberts & Sharyn Roberts
43 151
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