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Maricat - Super Sloop Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 5598 Humungus II (Tanilba Bay Sailing Club)
Michael Colecliffe
5 4
2 1890 Custard Truck (Queens Lake Sailing Club)
Rohan Nosworthy
6 9
3 5009 Pixie Dust Express ()
Mark Colecliffe
6 15
4 2828 Keepin It Ip (Sandringham Yacht Club)
Krystal Weir
8 18
5 5005 Carpe Cerevesi ()
Phil Johnson
13 21
6 5599 Salty Lips ()
Nicholas Ward
21 35
7 1710 FRANK (Queens Lake Sailing Club)
Frank O'Rourke
28 38
8 2808 Rainbow ()
Cameron Kaul
19 50
9 2282 Henry's Cat ()
Paul Mccabe
28 72
10 5277 All White Now ()
Robert Rimington
28 73
11 2877 Eagle Eye ()
Malcolm Weiderman
24 75
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