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29er - Junior Team Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2688 M&M ()
Max Giffney & Maddy McLeay
24 51
2 2134 Due Hugos ()
Hugo Taranto & Hugo Darin
32 64
3 2868 Sketchy ()
Fletcher Walters & Jack Hildebrand
27 72
4 1933 Gnarly ()
Kashi Saunders & Matt Barrett
34 90
5 2126 Trebouchet ()
Ellis Merrett & Oscar Verity
34 109
6 2546 Get Sirius ()
Mina Ferguson & Evie Haseldine
34 154
7 1848 Ship Happens ()
Ryan Ewings & Logan Radford
34 174
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© ScoreIT Version 2.0, 2012