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NS14 - Veteran Skipper Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 1996 Shake & Bake (BYRA)
Brian Jenkinson & Linda Jenkinson
11 44
2 2067 Barra (IYC)
Neil Tasker & William Dalgleish
19 61
3 2058 Demons Run (TASC)
Christopher Calwell & Jada Clarke
19 72
4 2042 The Dart (GSC)
Phillip Wallace & Logan Howard
24 87
5 2056 Another Knight (PHOSC)
Neil Murphy & Tiah Hodgson
24 105
6 2014 The Force (TASC)
Peter Williams & Matthew Williams
26 114
7 2028 Sirocco (PHOSC)
Phillip Treloar & Genelle Aldred
32 117
8 1984 Samba Pa Ti (NSC)
Malcolm Graham & Stephanie Sheridan
38 142
9 1942 The Crack Fox (TASC)
Andrew Grover & Luke Bashford
34 186
10 1916 Poor Tacking (PHOSC)
Colin Tasker & Brodie Middleton
38 186
11 1969 Thunder (PHOSC)
John Forrester & Janet Forrester
35 205
12 1912 Peak (GSC)
David Taylor & Chris Taylor
38 212
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