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Tasar - M Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2848 Coollit (JBSC)
Rob Douglass & NIcole Douglass
14 14
2 2965 Indefensible (GRSC)
Bern Streater & Sarah Ratcliffe
38 82
3 2939 Shenanigans (Balmoral Sailing Club)
Killian Sargent & Yvonne Murray
54 131
4 2953 Boogie Time (BSC)
Ben Walker & Cath Walker
60 138
5 2952 Tasared Twice (Balmoral Sailing Club)
Gavin Brown & Clare Woods
63 147
6 2962 Rastasarmouse (Balmoral Sailing Club)
Boyd Newton & Kylie Symonds
65 192
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© ScoreIT Version 2.0, 2012