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Tasar - Super Grand Masters Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2969 WAC (SYC)
Heather Macfarlane & Chris Payne
18 29
2 2780 faking clever (WSC)
Kerry Fyfe & Michael OBrien
13 44
3 2883 SMAC (RYCT)
Peter Davis & Karen Davis
28 63
4 2965 Indefensible (GRSC)
Bernie Streater & Jenny Sorensen
28 80
Grant Picman & Glen McArthur
28 142
6 2888 Cruz'n (GRSC)
Mark Hooper & Pip Hooper
28 151
7 2847 Slam Dunc (GRSC)
Bruce Litchfield & Sharon
28 156
<-- Back to list of divisions Tasar

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