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Tasar - Grand Master Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 2883 SMAC (SYC)
Heather McFarlane & Chris Payne
10 33
2 2903 Vivace (WSC)
Bradley Stephens & Jennifer Overton
15 61
3 2603 Ratz (GRSC)
Gary Ratcliffe & Robyn Ratcliffe
18 64
4 2911 Another Roady (BSC)
Peter Davies & Pia Lehtonen-Davies
23 79
5 2813 LASS (RANSA)
Martin Linsley & Angela Cumming
28 88
6 2114 blew'n (GRSC)
Bruce Hilleard & Jenny Sorensen
23 97
7 2588 What a Pearler (GRSC)
Andrew Finney & Michelle Costandi
26 120
8 2727 White Wash (BSC)
Stephen Nash & Greg CHASELING
38 130
9 2902 Eagle Eye (RMYC)
Noel Borel & Els Leenaars
32 139
10 2770 Trouble (RPEYC)
Michael Quirk & Marise Hannaford
38 148
11 2906 The Claw (GRSC)
Bruce Litchfield & Sharon Litchfield
29 163
12 2578 Southern Stars (BSC)
Richard Shaw & Lorraine Madden
34 165
13 2121 Aqua Dazzle (SBSC)
Jonathan Ross & Jackie Bange
38 219
14 2112 THE HOOT (CSC)
Douglas Coleman & Beata Lekki
35 227
15 2841 Woooo Hoooo!! (GRSC)
Mark Kelly & Susan Kelly
38 242
<-- Back to list of divisions Tasar

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