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Intermediate Fleet - Entry List

Boat Name (Club)
1079 Horse Power (RPAYC)
Julia Pearce
1158 Firebolt (HHSC)
Maya Hodzic
1276 Vitesse (WSC)
Isabella Lozevski
1293 Terminator (MHYC)
Miles Green
1322 Seafire (HHSC)
Andrew Floro
1325 Orion (WSC)
Hugo Paterson
1334 Raptor (HHSC)
Sam Ashton
1339 Dark Horse (RSYS)
Ben Tattersall
1355 Wild Porridge (RSYS)
Thomas Flannery
1369 Optipus (WSC)
mia austin
1421 Mojo (HHSC)
Leo Raggio
1545 Wild Ryno (Grsc)
Bailey Derwent
1721 (WSC)
Lucy Ferguson
1744 Lord Lion (RPAYC)
Eliott Verhaeghe
Zara Marks
1829 Pampero (Cranbrook)
Louis Marwat
1830 Sirocco (Cranbrook)
Jackson Parker
1832 Lombarde (Cranbrook)
Luca Alexander
399 Rocky (MHYC)
Will Wilkinson
4205 Glacial Acceleration (RSYS)
Raphael McLachlan
580 Flying Kangaroo (RPAYC)
Rocco Springer
698 Massimo (RSYS)
Patrick McLachlan
796 Speedy Goose (HHSC)
James Gosling
845 RAN (RSYS)
Tejay Ly
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