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29er Open - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 AUS2064 Hot Koolaid (RFBYC)
Annabelle Davies & Hayden Hunt
2 8
2 AUS 1953 Turbo (RFBYC)
Aaron Wright & Brendon Wright
3 14
3 2247 Bobby Fischer (RFBYC)
Liam Daniel Seagreen & Ben Walsh
8 21
4 2248 Merlin (RFBYC)
Oliver Merlin Medd & Braden Higgins
8 31
5 1954 Slytherin (PDSC)
Emilia Horn & Todd Mc Vee
10 38
6 AUS1922 Spel Chek (RFBYC)
Andrew Buchan & Andrew Briggs
8 40
7 1291 Vertigo (MOFSC/TCYC)
Kieran Bucktin & Esther Hillebrand
10 40
8 2133 The Verge (DBYC)
Dean Cowan & Chad Cowan
9 48
9 463 Two boat girls (MBSC)
Holly Hunt & Sarah Hales
9 55
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