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NNSW - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 7004 Slippery Little Sucker (TASC)
William Burt
6 11
2 7123 Chimpanspeed (Wangi SC)
James Henderson
6 14
3 7017 Need for Speed (GSC)
Lincoln Senior
11 21
4 1334 Blade Runner (NLSC)
Akito Koike
11 24
5 1490 Upbeat (B16SC)
Darby Jones
5 24
6 1519 Pacman (NLSC)
Kai Johnston
9 29
7 4058 Ribbit (TASC)
Rhett Boden
11 33
8 1520 Thomas Hawkeswood (NLSC)
Mad Az
8 42
9 2338 Silverfish (Wangi SC)
Emily Henderson
11 53
10 2442 Hypthermia (Wangi SC)
Harry Gabites
11 62
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