
Attention: ScoreIT will permanently become read only from July 1, 2022. Thank you for your support for the past 10 years.
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2.3 - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 JPN 920 (Mie Sailability)
Yui Fujimoto
6 16
2 AUS 392 Aquila (Ballarat Yacht Club)
Cooper Brown
6 17
3 AUS 1202 Jack 11 (Southport Yacht Club)
Neil Rowsthorn
5 22
4 JPN 018 Casper (Enoshima Sailability)
Koji Harada
8 29
5 AUS 088 (ACT Sailability)
Allister Peek
7 30
6 AUS 346 Tom Thumb (Crystal Bay Sailability)
Allan Jones
7 30
7 AUS 256 (Port Stephens Sailability)
Doug Monk
7 35
8 AUS 1814 Watermark (Latrobe Valley Yacht Club)
Mark Thorpe
9 53
9 AUS 110 Wind Queen (Ballarat Yacht Club)
Isabell Brown
9 62
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© ScoreIT Version 2.0, 2012