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Laser 4.7 - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 175291 ()

32 53
2 211447 ()
Mina Ferguson
32 70
3 212283 ()
Brooke Wilson
32 72
4 212858 ()
Sylvie Stannage
32 74
5 20749 ()
Xavier McLachlan
32 77
6 206751 ()
Evie Saunders
32 83
7 210489 ()
Ashley Baber
32 88
8 211473 ()
Charlie Smith
32 101
9 169708 ()
Emily Chang
32 102
10 TBA ()
Antony Stoica
32 128
11 187902 ()
Jessica Longstaff
32 128
12 20786 ()
Ian Louis
32 128
13 TBA ()
Daniel Maxwell
32 128
14 189021 ()
Henri Collyer
32 128
15 tba ()
Daniel Costandi
32 128
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