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Bic - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 8853 Just Power (BYRA)
Lachlan Wallace
0 0
2 19 (BYRA)
Zac Aitken
0 0
3 56 (BYRA)
Orlando Sadlik
0 0
4 9826 (BYRA)
Fred Watson
0 0
5 7421 Blizzard (BYRA)
Calum Kennedy
0 0
6 2582 Out of the Blue (BYRA)
Joshua Aitken & Orlando Sadlik
0 0
7 80 Envy (BYRA)
Liam Parker & Lachlan Wallace
0 0
8 1816 Extreme (BYRA)
Zac Aitken & Liam Parker
0 0
9 7542 (BYRA)
Hayden Irwin
0 0
10 7543 Bigfoot (BYRA)
Lola Sadlik
0 2
11 7471 (BYRA)
Riley Stevens
0 2
12 8420 Slick Bic (BYRA)
Owen Gillmeister
0 3
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