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Laser Standard - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 202937 LaserDirect ()
Andrew Darcey
2 9
2 216350 Momentary Lapse of Reason ()
Franz Lintle
2 11
3 202889 Titanium ()
Damian Carey
5 23
4 154288 Sideshow Bob ()
Ross McConnell
7 32
5 194932 Binary Neutron Star ()
David Ottaway
7 35
6 169711 Perfect Day ()
Piers Lincoln
8 42
7 128679 Dream On ()
Ellis Armstrong
11 45
8 175986 Wyuna ()
Adrian Cooper
11 55
9 209562 Crazy Monkey ()
Michael Foster
11 68
10 143436 Hanamoa II ()
Alan How
11 71
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