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Optimist - Open - 11 years old Division Scratch

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 1056 ZIG ZAG (BSYC - SA)
Ben Hinks
52 125
2 1444 Aquaboy (RQYS - QLD)
Hamish Thorne
56 130
3 660 Blow N It (NSC - NSW)
Jack Ferguson
55 152
4 909 Katchup (MHYC - NSW)
Cian Campbell
71 230
5 813 Snow Dog (SYC - QLD)
Blake Wilson
79 230
6 1000 Maxi Taxi (MHYC/RPAYC - NSW)
John-Mark Paul
75 246
7 1019 Ripple (BYRA/RPAYC - NSW)
Brooke Wilson
75 251
8 1390 Snowflake (RPAYC/MHYC - NSW)
Bella Green
81 268
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