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SNSW - Scratch Results

Plc Sail
Boat Name (Club)
Drop Total
1 7014 VIPER (LC12SSC)
Henry Larkings
28 16
2 1571 stinger (DJSC)
james Pagett
45 16
3 7102 Freestyler (LC12SSC)
Miles Davey
12 21
4 1573 Crowd Control (DJSC)
Adele Phillips
27 25
5 1499 Pump3D (LC12SSC/HHSC)
Thomas Smith
51 27
6 7022 Synergy (LC12SSC)
Jessica Swadling
22 28
7 7015 The Invisible Hand (A12SC)
Robin Biskupic
58 39
8 1511 Good Karma (LC12SSC)
Andrea Davey
29 40
9 1559 Fast 'n' Furious (HHSC)
Philippe ALAIS
25 42
10 1540 Took Ya Time (LC12SSC)
Adam Swiderski
34 57
11 7072 Evolution (LC12SSC)
Jack Moran
62 57
12 1404 sabotage (A12SC)
Nathan McNamara
30 60
13 2619 Afterburn (VA12SC)
Will Cooley
37 69
14 1520 Mad Az (HHSC)
Sam Davis
49 82
15 2618 Black Diamond (DJSC)
Mary Tavener
49 83
16 1375 Little Demon (HHSC)
Jake liddell
44 87
17 1530 Lucky (LC12SSC)
Jamieson Bennetts
39 91
18 7044 Vendetta (VA12SC)
Cassandra Banks
50 99
19 1519 Arrow (NLSC)
Reece Johnston
64 103
20 1389 Lightning Flash (A12FS)
Jackson Hill
78 104
21 1517 Friction Free (DJSC)
Evie Haseldine
52 114
22 1583 Supersonic (VA12SC)
Natasha Walsh
68 116
23 1565 Firebolt (DJSC)
78 128
24 1495 Eraser (HHSC)
Brin liddell
54 134
25 1463 Tweety (LC12SSC)
Andrew Harrison
78 135
26 1371 Mercurial (HHSC)
Alex berriman
78 137
27 7005 Sonic the Hedgehog (VA12SC)
Josie Dixson
78 137
28 1435 Slipstream (HHSC)
Thomas McEnearney
78 137
29 4565 Relentless (DJSC)
Mikaela Downie
69 152
30 15201 Rambo II (HHSC)
Benjamin Murray
68 153
31 1421 Shazam (HHSC)
Sebastian Majarian
70 153
32 1551 Torpedo (DJSC)
Maddie Dwyer
78 165
33 1317 Collision King (VA12SC)
Lachlan Marr
70 167
34 6268 Higgy Baby (HHSC)
Connor McNaught
78 210
35 1503 Ka-Boom! (GFS)
Will Imlay
78 223
36 1481 Uproar (HHSC)
Harry Maley
78 234
37 1339 Blown Away (HHSC)
Daisy Jeffrey
78 234
38 1467 Turbo Speed (VA12SC)
Ella Steyn
78 234
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